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Dominik Nitsch

Hi, I'm Dominik.

I write a newsletter that teaches you how to thrive as a generalist in a specialized economy.

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#36: How to get started on anything (in 2024)

A five-step "system" to get started on anything (so simple that it hurts). We all have this one "thing" that we've always wanted to start. For me, this was a regular blog. I had written in the past, but never regularly; it always happened

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#35: A counterintuitive way to structure your week

"How do you structure your week?" This is how: you & your social connections first, everything else second. Tomorrow is Monday. A fresh start to a new week. So today, let’s ensure you’re killing it in that week. And to do that, we need a plan.

#35: A counterintuitive way to structure your week
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IG#34: The Best Way to Found a Business is to Buy One

Nobody in Germany is talking about this: Acquisition Entrepreneurship. The idea is simple: instead of founding a new startup, you acquire an existing one and take over as CEO. This has several advantages: * The business already exists and is incorporated * The business has a product or service that others want,

IG#34: The Best Way to Found a Business is to Buy One