How to avoid getting stuck in high school
Here's a key to level up in real life – just like you would in a video game.

How quality reps trump natural talent every single time
Want to be a professional ice hockey player? Be born in January.

How I survived Mount Stupid (and you can too)
Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory.

How to nail your one-liner
A five-step process to answer “What do you do?” properly.

The Five Pillars of Driving Meaningful Change
How to ensure that your "2025 fitness journey" lasts longer than three weeks.

🎆 The Not-To-Do List for 2025
Ask yourself: "what could I do to miss all my goals in 2025?" Then, avoid these things at all costs.

🎄2024 in review - Stats, Figures, & Outlook for 2025
Full breakdown of one year of writing 28 newsletters and 247 LinkedIn Posts. Read this if writing online is on your list for 2025.

How we're losing our ability to be passionate [#54]
Distractions aren't just killing your productivity, they're also killing your passion.
![How we're losing our ability to be passionate [#54]](/content/images/size/w1460/format/webp/2024/12/How-to-become-a-generalist--16-.png)
How to avoid decision fatigue [#53]
Can’t decide what to wear/eat/train? Use these frameworks and make better decisions
![How to avoid decision fatigue [#53]](/content/images/size/w1460/format/webp/2024/11/How-to-become-a-generalist--14-.png)
The Generalyst Recruiting Guide to Nailing Your Next Job Interview
5 tips to follow to interview better – regardless of your CV.